SAP Counseling Programs

The Student Assistance Prevention Counseling (SAPC) Program provides an umbrella of comprehensive prevention and early intervention programs including services for positive youth development. It is geared toward youth in grades 5-12 and utilizes a unique approach so that the individual, schools, community and family are all involved.

While its focus is on the effects of substance abuse, SAPC also addresses a variety of other issues confronting young people today, including maladaptive social or emotional behaviors, low or falling grades, poor attendance and suspension. SAPC designs its programs for the needs of each participating school. It strives to supplement and reinforce programs and services already in place in schools.

SAPC incorporates research-based strategies that increase protective factors and move toward reducing known risk factors. Addressing these factors has been demonstrated to improve the efficacy and efficiency of substance abuse prevention approaches.


The Student Assistance Prevention Counseling (SAPC) Program is a licensed prevention counseling program by the NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services. It utilizes a multidisciplinary approach and intervention system to remove barriers hindering educational and personal development.

    94% of participating students lower risk factors by improving decision making skills