To access the desktop version:
Download the app for Apple iOS or Android devices
Erie Path is Erie County’s new smartphone app that helps parents and caregivers address the mental and behavioral health challenges faced by children and adolescents.
- Find available programs and services for children and adolescents
- Access information that explains what their children and adolescents may face
- Explore practical strategies for helping children and adolescents in their care
Erie Path also includes resources for adult mental and behavioral health services, information for housing, employment, childcare, food pantries, medical care, social services and senior services that can benefit adults and caregivers.
The app allows you to search for Programs and Services and Informational Materials in 3 different ways:
- You can search by program or agency name
- You can search by keyword
- You can search using the guided search (click here to see the guided search pathways)
Hotline: (716) 463-6222
Individual calls 24/7 hotline number to receive rapid access to WNY Opioid Addiction Treatment:
• 11:00 am -11:00 pm will be connected to NY Matters.
• 11:00 pm -11:00 am will be connected to BBH.
BestSelf staff answer hotline calls 24/7-365 days a year.
WNY Opioid Addiction Treatment Providers will link client to ongoing treatment program of the client’s choice through NY MATTERS platform.
For more information on WNY Opioid Addiction Treatment, please click here.

Mindfulness Three Point Check In:
Feeling everything from this weekend is so difficult–we have to give ourselves some space and time to hold it. We invite you to try this mindfulness moment:
- Come to a place of stillness, standing, sitting, lying down
- Give yourself a moment to be still…maybe notice your feet on the floor, the support of the chair/bed…and just be there for a moment
- Sense that your body is breathing….
- Then, move your attention, on purpose to…
Checkpoint #1: Your Body–scan through from head to toe–what do you notice? Tension? Ease? Tightness? Soreness?
Checkpoint #2: Your mind: go inside your mind and notice your thought patterns….scattered? Busy? Neutral? Don’t get caught there, just acknowledge and move to…
Checkpoint #3: Your emotions–anything in particular calling out to you today? Notice…honor it…
Now you know who you are and what you are bringing to your next moments today….take care of you before you begin again….
Making Movement Mindful:
In this mindful movement practice, which is part of our course Find Calm and Nourish Resilience, Cara Bradley invites us to celebrate our physicality and better connect with our breath and our body.
The goal of this practice is to invite a feeling of calm, stability and ease. Take a few minutes for yourself to move mindfully.