My name is Jamie Kuehnling and I am a Student Assistance Prevention Counselor that has been with the agency since December of 2019. Born and raised in Buffalo, NY. Graduated from SUNY Fredonia with BSW in May 2017. Graduated from University at Buffalo with MSW in September of 2019. Currently works to provide students in the community with tools they need to attain personal and educational growth.

I have served the community in many ways over the years. I am glad to be able to give back to a place that I love, and call my home. So I look back fondly on many memories; especially time spent with The Service Collaborative of Western New York & United Way of Buffalo and Erie County during my term of service with AmeriCorps.

One fun fact about myself is that I am one of the biggest Buffalo Bills fans you will meet. I will talk to you all day about why I think this team will take control of the AFC East this season for the first time since I was in pull-ups.



“Luck is just opportunity plus preparation, and most of my life I haven’t been prepared.”