Adult Educational Intervention
Focus on Consequences is a six-hour group educational intervention program which utilizes an intensive interactive format. A practical, productive challenge is offered for those who indicate problems with alcohol, drugs, gambling and related issues such as DWI, DOT positive drug screen or work, family or community problems and drug courts.
People come to the attention of courts, school administrators, employers, EAPs, and attorneys for exhibiting behaviors which may be early warning signs of an alcohol, drug problem, or addiction problems. Yet a large number of these people do not undergo any formal education, more often than not, they slip through gaps in the current continuum of services.
For many, a brief intervention can initiate a process of self-reflection conducive to behavioral change. Others may benefit from referral for diagnostic assessment to determine if they require a higher level of care. Focus on Consequences helps to serve this frequently overlooked population.
“Brief interventions can be counted among today’s ‘best practices’.”
– Ralph Hingson, Professor of Public Health Boston University
Program Goals
Goals for the Focus on Consequences – Adults program:
- Fosters a process of self-evaluation conducive to behavioral change
- Reduces recidivism by giving clients insight in how their behavior has had a negative impact
- Provides essential feedback (to referring sources) identifying clients in need of a higher level of care who might otherwise be overlooked
Classes are 6 hours in duration and typically held on a Saturday at our Hertel Avenue location. The classes are facilitated by credentialed substance abuse professionals who provide valuable feedback to referral sources.
Referral Process
The Focus on Consequences for Adults Program is available for adults who:
• show high-risk behaviors linked to substance abuse
• need education about alcohol and other drugs
• need a better sense of personal risks and responsibilities
The adult intervention is a six-hour educational session in an interactive group format designed to increase awareness of the effects and possible consequences of problematic behavior, substance use and abuse. The session fosters self-evaluation about patterns of problematic behavior and risk involved to reduce further negative consequences and satisfies in- and out-of-state court educational mandates.

Client Outcomes
Clients completing Focus on Consequences:
- Realize that any use of alcohol or other drugs entails a degree of risk, and that the level of risk escalates drastically with the level and frequency of consumption
- Realize the effects are not only on the individual but has impact on others: spouses/significant others; parents/children; peers; employers; society at large
- Demonstrate some internalization of the knowledge that the behavior which caused them trouble was a predictable consequence of their behavior